Outdoor Items & Storage

Deck/Patio & Front Porch Storage

The storage of personal items on decks and patios is limited to outdoor furniture, barbecues and plants. Any other items, including bicycles, children’s play equipment, etc., must be stored inside the Owner’s Unit when not in use.

Freestanding outdoor furniture is allowed on back patios or decks. Porch equipment, which requires attachment to Common or Limited Common Elements, is not allowed.

On second story decks, light children’s play equipment may be left out if it is not noticeably visible to neighbors.

Any plants not placed on the deck floor must be secured via over the rail hooks. No plants, planters, baskets or containers of any kind shall be placed on the top of the deck railing in an unsecured manner.

Small decorative hooks may be placed on underneath support beams for second story decks, and flowers may be hung from hooks.

No screening enclosures are to be installed.

Nothing is to be stored on the front porch.

Storage Equipment

Storage Equipment referred to herein includes but is not limited to the following: moving vehicles, moving containers, portable moving and storage equipment (for example: Portable On Demand Storage [PODS]). Such storage equipment is not permitted on a Unit Owner’s premises for a period in excess of seven (7) calendar days. The aforesaid storage equipment shall be removed from the Liberty Square Condominium premises no later than by sundown of the seventh calendar day. Non-compliance of this regulation shall result in the imposition of a fine. Notice must be provided to the management company two weeks prior to Storage Equipment delivery. Any damage to common areas is the responsibility of the unit owner.


Fire pits and chimenaria are prohibited.


Grills may be stored only on a deck or patio when not in use. Grills must be used at a minimum of 10 feet from the building to prevent damage to the exterior building surfaces. Any damage, which occurs due to the improper use of the grill, shall be the Unit Owner’s responsibility to repair. Grills shall not be stored on common or limited common area lawns in between use.

The use of charcoal grills on wood porches, decks or patios with overhead wood decks is prohibited. Only portable propane gas grills are permitted with the following qualifications: three (3) feet from a wall, a portable fire extinguisher to be within fifteen (15) feet when grill is in use.


Firewood must be placed behind town houses within the parameters of the privacy fence and must not exceed ½ cord (64 cu. ft.). Containment of the firewood on a concrete patio is the favored option. If the lawn area must be used, a rack of either wood or metal must provide a clearance of 6 inches from the privacy fence and 4 inches from the ground. This rule applies to either enclosed or unenclosed back yards.

Flammable Gas Storage

No tank for storage of flammable gas shall be maintained in any unit, except for a 20-pound propane tank for a gas grill, which may only be stored on a deck or patio.

No unit owner will use or permit to be brought into a unit or enclosed area any inflammable oil or liquid such as gasoline, kerosene, explosives, fireworks or articles deemed extra hazardous to life, limb or property.

Hot Tubs & Outdoor Spas

Hot tubs and outdoor spas are not allowed.


Clotheslines, racks or other devices for clothing care are not allowed. Laundry/linens, including bathing suits and towels, may not be hung outside for drying or airing, on any part of the property, including over deck railings.

Recreation & Play Equipment

Reckless ball, Frisbee, skateboarding or other game activity, which cause damage, personal injury or be considered a nuisance to residents, will not be permitted on lawns, in roads, streets, sidewalks, ramps (by condo building), parking areas or any Leedom Way street area in close proximity to property.

Sledding is not permitted in proximity of any units, shrub or tree areas.

 Wading Pools

Child wading pools are not permitted anywhere in Liberty Square.

 Satellite Dishes

It is the intent of these regulations to ensure that satellite dishes and their installation meet all appropriate building, safety and electrical codes as well as FCC Rulings and Guidelines on Condominium Associations with respect to satellite dishes.

The Board does not restrict the use of video receiving dishes less than one meter in  diameter, properly installed on the owner’s private property.

  • Dishes should be placed in as inconspicuous a place as possible on the balcony or inside the patio. No satellite dish will be installed on the roof, gutters, downspouts or siding.
  • Dishes must be installed so as not to pose a safety hazard to surrounding homes.
  • Dishes must be properly grounded under electrical code.
  • Dishes must be removed and installed by the owner, at the owner’s expense.
  • Dishes must not “hang over” or encroach onto a neighbor’s property, roof, walls or windows or block a neighbor’s window.
  • Dishes must not present an electrical hazard to neighboring homes.
  • Dishes must not have wires “draped” on the roof or side of the owner’s home.
  • Dishes cannot be installed in common areas and must not inhibit others from using common areas or property. Dishes must be mounted by a secure method so as not to cause damage to surrounding homes or property by collapse.
  • Dishes must be for the exclusive use of the owner installing the dish and may not be used in common with other neighbors.
  • Dishes and their installation must meet all local, state and county codes that may apply.

An owner of a dish will be required to sign an indemnification agreement agreeing to indemnify and hold the Association harmless for any personal injury occurring to other residents or Association personnel or for damages occurring to common property or other resident’s property from the installation and placement of the dish.

The Association must be notified prior to installation and owner must submit a request in writing to the Board of Directors.