Rules & Regulations

Each Unit Owner shall be required to maintain the interior of his Unit, and all limited common elements assigned to the unit, in good repair.

Carrying and/or use of firearms and similar weapons, including BB guns, pellet guns, paint-ball guns, laser light devices and bow-and-arrow is strictly prohibited.

Property Usage

No part of the Property shall be used for other than housing and related common purposes for which the property was designed.

No commercial enterprise will be permitted in any unit.

No use or practice shall be permitted in any Unit, or on any other place in the Property which is the source of undue annoyance to the other occupants of the Property or interferes with the peaceful possession and proper use of the Property by such other occupants, or will materially increase the rate of insurance on the Property beyond that to be anticipated from then proper and accepted conduct of otherwise permitted uses hereunder.

Each Unit Owner shall have the right to use the Common Elements in common with all other Unit Owners as may be required for the purposes of access, ingress to, egress from, use occupancy and enjoyment of the Unit owned by such Unit Owner, and for such other purposes incidental to the use of Units. Such right to use the Common Elements shall extend to each Unit Owner and to his agents, servants, tenants, family member, customers, invitees, and licensees. Limited Common Elements assigned to a unit, are for the exclusive use of that unit.

The condominium property borders private property on the south (Hidden Valley Road) and the west (West Hanover Street). The condominium property surrounds private property (Historic Leedom House). Private property bordering the common areas must be respected.

Curtains & Blinds

Windows must receive treatments considered the norm; i.e. drapes, blinds, curtains, shades, shutters, etc. Temporary window treatments will be tolerated two (2) months following the beginning of residency. A written explanation of the reason for the delay must be forwarded to the Executive Board. No awnings, window air conditioners or flower boxes are permitted.

Window Air Conditioners

No window air conditioners shall be installed in any Unit.

Windows & Window Screens

Unit owners are responsible for maintenance and/or replacement of exterior windows and window screens, with the exception of exterior painting.


Limited Common Elements

Unit Owners shall be responsible for the maintenance and replacement of any Limited Common Elements assigned to their home, such as decks, patios, rear and front porches and railings, entry walks, and rear landscaping. Limited Common Elements assigned to a unit, are for the exclusive use of that unit.

The Association is responsible for the maintenance, repair and replacement of the common elements.

Common Elements

The Association shall maintain the roof and exterior building surfaces of the Unit, lawn areas, landscaping not installed by the owner, private roads, streetlights along the private roads, common area sidewalks and any other Common Element.

Damage to Common Elements by a resident, tenant, guest, or contractor employed or contracted by a Unit Owner or Tenant, becomes the financial obligation of the Unit Owner to repair.

The Association shall have the right, but not the obligation, to make any necessary repairs to such Limited Common Elements if the Unit Owner to whom they are allocated fails to do so, and to charge such Unit Owner for the cost thereof as a Common Expense Assessment.

See attached for specific maintenance responsibilities of the Association and Unit Owner (responsibility list – Attachment 1).
When a deficiency in structure, utilities or any factor common to all units is discovered by inspection, accident, or any means and is deemed dangerous, that deficiency or hazardous condition will be addressed by the individual unit owner. The Association assumes no cost in rectifying the deficiency, unless a solution by the Association is clearly supported by the condominium documents.

When a unit owner has failed to properly maintain his/her structure (limited to those items listed/mailed to members as owner responsibility, January 92′), that owner shall be notified in writing of the necessary repair/maintenance required. Said repair/maintenance shall be completed forty-five (45) days from the date of the notice. If no work or response has been received by management in fifteen (15) days, a second letter is to be sent re-informing the owner of the deficiency and deadline. Extensions of the time frame for up to an additional forty-five (45) days for unusual hardships may be granted by the Executive Board upon receipt of a written request for the extension with reason delineated. Should the repair/maintenance not be completed within the assigned time period, the unit shall be fined $1-$10 per diem, which must be paid within fifteen (15) days after notification from management.

Parents or guardians will be held responsible for the action of their minor children and their guests. Any damage to any portion of the Common Element caused by minor children of unit owners and guests, invitees or tenants of unit owners will be repaired at the expense of such unit owner.

Yard Sales

Individual yard, estate, house, moving sales are not permitted without prior approval.

Rules & Regulation Changes

Rules and Regulations, not in conflict with the provisions of the Declaration, concerning the use and enjoyment of the Property, may be promulgated from time-to-time by the Board of Directors, subject to the right of the Association to change such Rules and Regulations. Copies of the then current Rules and Regulations, and any amendments thereto, shall be furnished to all Unit Owners by the Board of Directors promptly after the adoption of such Rules and Regulations or any amendments.