Leasing of Units

Except as expressly provided in this section, there shall be no restrictions on the leasing of Units.

  • No transient tenants shall be accommodated in any Unit.
  • No lease shall be for less than the whole Unit (i.e. Unit Owners are prohibited from subleasing individual rooms or floor of a unit).
  • The initial term of a lease must be for no less than one (1) year.
  • A Unit Owner shall not engage in the leasing of his Unit except after having lessee execute a written lease, which shall provide the term of the lease and must contain the following provisions:
    • “Lessee hereby agrees to be bound by all terms and conditions contained in the Amended Declaration o f Condominium, By-Laws and Rules and Regulations of the Association as the same shall apply to the Unit leased hereunder, and agrees to assume all duties and responsibilities and be jointly and severally liable with the Unit Owner for all the liabilities and for the performance o f all of the obligations applicable to the Unit Owners under the Act, the Condominium documents or otherwise during the term o f the lease.”

A $200 fine will be imposed if the lease is not submitted when a tenant is secured.

Copies of all leases must be provided to the Condominium Association for their files within ten (10) calendar days of execution, along with a copy of the required Tenant Registration Form.

The owner of each unit is responsible for the actions of their tenants and will remain liable for any violations of the Association’s governing documents, Rules and Regulations, assessed fines, or any damage to Association property caused by their tenant.