Enforcement Procedures

Violation Procedure (Excluding Motor Vehicle related issues)

Violations must be reported in writing to the Management Company and must be signed by the individual issuing the complaint. The letter should state the violation and the address of the violator. The current address for reporting violations is:

Continental Property Management,
975 Easton Road, Suite 102,
Warrington, PA 18976.

All information is kept confidential. E-mails with complainants name and address fully disclosed are also allowable in lieu of mailed letters.

A member of the Board of Directors, an authorized committee member (if one has been appointed), or a representative of the Management Company shall investigate the complaint to determine whether a violation has occurred and if follow-up action is required.

A violation letter shall state the violation(s), ask that corrective action be taken within a stated time period, and stipulate a fine if compliance does not occur. Any violations of Pet Regulations 25.1 through 25.11 will impose a minimum $50 fine. A fine letter shall impose the designated fine and state any additional per day or escalating fines. The Board of Directors has the full authority to establish the amount of fines or other penalties. The amount charged is due upon receipt of notice.

It is the responsibility of the Unit Owner to contact the Management Company in writing, within five (5) days of receipt of the violation notice, if they wish to request review of a violation with the Board of Directors.


In the event that a Unit Owner/resident does not comply with the violation notice and or does not pay the fines assessed by the Association, the Board of Directors may file legal action against the owner for collection of the fines and compliance with the Association’s rules and guidelines. Any expense associated with legal action, including court fees, attorney fees, etc., which may be incurred by the Association, shall be added to the complaint and become the responsibility of the Unit Owner to pay.

When a judgment is awarded, the Board of Directors may place a lien for the amount of the judgment against the Unit Owner’s property.

The condominium documents and the laws of Pennsylvania firmly support the obligation of the Executive Board members and officers to
act on behalf of the Association of unit owners to impose charges for late payments of assessments. After notice and an opportunity to be heard, they (Executive Board) may levy reasonable fines for violations of the Declaration, Bylaws and Rules and Regulations of the Association.

The omission from this list of Rules and Regulations of any duty, qualification, restriction, requirement or regulation stated in the Declaration or Bylaws in no way abrogates the responsibility of individuals, Executive Board or total membership for the Association to fully comply with any stipulation contained in the aforesaid documents, but not stated herein. Violations of these procedures will result in action by the Enforcement committee.